Aldar Hospitality & Hotels | UAE
About Us

Transforming destinations by reimagining guest experiences in the region.


Sustainability is integral to our business strategy and long-term development.

Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe how ALDAR collects and uses the personal information provided by the visitors / customers (directly or through third parties), or which is automatically generated, when they interact with Aldar websites and mobile applications.

This Privacy Policy applies to and other Aldar Group entity websites (“Websites”) and mobile applications [“Mobile Apps”], which are owned and operated by Aldar Properties PJSC and the associated entities (collectively, “ALDAR,” “Us,” or We”) following Aldar Group Information Security policies and processes. 


By accessing or using Aldar Group Websites and Aldar Mobile Applications, visitors and customers agree to this privacy policy with the understanding of their information being collected and how Aldar will treat it. If the visitor does not agree with Aldar’s policies and practices, he / she may not use Aldar Group Websites or Mobile Applications. To revoke your consent you can update your preference by clicking Manage Cookie Settings.

If the visitor has additional questions regarding the privacy and security of their personal information, they can contact             

Refer to the full privacy policy on


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